Saturday, 5 April 2014

April 2014

Spring has sprung!

We learnt just one new song this month, a Native American chant. The rest we'd done before because we did a little performance over the road in the library so wanted to do something we were familiar with.

The "Cherokee song" is not really a Cherokee song at all! It is based on a version by Rita Coolidge and Robbie Robertson from the album: Music for the Native Americans. It was sung by women only as part of the morning prayers, facing the rising sun, welcoming the new day.  It is not actually in Cherokee, but may have been brought to them by the Tihanama who often worked for them as seasonal farm labor. 

"Haere mai" is a New Zealand maori song arranged by the late Nick Prater. The dance moves are mine (!) cobbled together from various authentic Maori dance moves.

"Tedumela" was written by percussionist Brian Abraham in an African style. "We are one" was  added by Roxane Smith. You can hear the massed Sing for Water North choir singing it here:

"Somagwaza" is a South African initiation ceremony song. It was often taught to the audience by Pete Seeger at his concerts.