
SingWiv was started in September 2012 by Jo Wheatley for local people who want to sing, just for fun and without any pressure - so no auditions or solo parts - just singing a huge variety of great songs in a friendly group. She livse in Wivenhoe and was inspired to get this started after going to a Shared Voices workshop.

The monthly workshops are led by Chris Rowbury a Natural Voice Practitioner.

You don't need to book in advance, just come along (see Workshop dates page), pay on the door and join in!

Here's how Shared Voices in Suffolk describe Chris' workshops:
'Learn songs from around the world... in glorious unaccompanied harmony. It's great FUN!
...workshops are completely self-contained, brand new songs at each session and no need to have attended previously. Harmony songs from Africa, Eastern Europe, New Zealand, gospel, and much more. Open to everyone, no experience necessary and no need to read music (all songs taught by ear).
A relaxed, informal, challenging, rewarding morning of singing with like-minded souls, liberally laced with humour!'


1) Name
The name of the Group shall be SingWiv.

2) Aim
The aim of SingWiv shall be to organise and promote joyful community singing in Wivenhoe.

3) Powers
In order to achieve its aim SingWiv may:
a) Raise money
b) Open bank accounts
c) Take out insurance
d) Organise courses and events
e) Work with similar Groups and exchange information and advice with them
f) Do anything that is lawful which will help it to fulfil its aim

4) Membership
a) Membership of SingWiv is open to everyone aged 16 or over without regards to disability, political or religious affiliation, race, sex or sexual orientation or any other protected characteristics, who is:
- interested in helping SingWiv to achieve its aim
- willing to abide by the rules of SingWiv, and
- willing to pay any subscription agreed by the steering group.

5) Management
a) SingWiv shall be administered by a steering group of at least two people who volunteer their services, with no maximum number.
b) The steering group will organise and agree accounts and administrative duties among themselves.
c) The steering group will meet as often as necessary to service the aim of SingWiv.
d) Decisions at steering group meetings shall be made by consensus following discussion.

6) The duties of the steering group
a) to efficiently organise and coordinate SingWiv sessions, ensure ongoing advertising via the blog and other means and to communicate well with members by email.
b) Keep a record of income and expenditure.

7) Finance
a) All monies received by or on behalf of SingWiv will be used to further its aims and for no other purpose.
b) Any bank accounts opened for SingWiv shall be in the name of the group.
c) Any cheques issued shall be signed by a member of the steering group.

8) Annual General Meeting
a) Once a year members will be invited via email (or post for non email users) i) to give feedback and ii) to volunteer on the steering group. A copy of the accounts will be provided to all members.

9) Alterations to the Constitution
Any changes to this Constitution must be agreed by at least two-thirds of members.

10) Dissolution
SingWiv may be wound up at any time if agreed by two-thirds of members. In this event, any assets remaining after all debts have been paid shall be given to a local group as agreed by the steering group.

11) Adoption of the Constitution
Until the first A.G.M occurs the persons whose names, addresses and signatures appear at the bottom of this document shall act as the steering group referred to in this constitution.