Sunday, 21 December 2014

November 2014 & December 2014: Shortest Day Longest Night

A rare bevy of blokes @ SingWiv
Catching up posting session recordings from the last two months, have a listen via the links:

November - our teacher, Chris Rowbury, said, 'We did three songs. The Waulking Song was a new one for me so thanks for being guinea pigs, but I think everyone did really well although I did set it off at quite a pace!
I thought Adios Hermanos sounded great. Not bad to do FIVE parts with a relatively small group. Well done everyone.'

December - Chris said, 'Despite me being seriously under the weather, despite the low numbers and despite the struggles we had on the day, it all ended up sounding not too bad!'

Here's the Mormon Tabernacle choir singing Betelehemu which we tried - several hundred of them by the looks and they'd maybe practised a little before the filming. So considering there were only a bakers dozen of us and we only practised it for 30 minutes we did do rather well!!

Happy Mid Winter :-)