Saturday, 17 December 2016

December 2016

Brrrr ... chilly innit? Time to sit indoors, decorate the tree and light the candles. But first you have to brave the winter chill and come to SingWiv!

This month we managed to squeeze in two festive songs and one upbeat song (and dance!) from Nigeria.

"Nu är det jul igen" (Now it is Yule again) is a traditional Swedish dancing song.

Now it's Yule again 
And now it's Yule again 
And Yule will last until it's Easter 

That's not true of course 
No, that's not true of course 
For in between comes Lent 
And fasting

"A szelekenek" is a beautiful song from Transylvania, Hungary.

On the lively wings of the winds, 
Flying bravely over the land 
Let’s sing for you, beautiful star! 

"Aye mojinumba" is an ancient song from Nigeria that has been passed down through the ages. Don't know what language it's in. It is a celebration of Earth as our home and a reminder that we ARE the Earth.

Chris has included a version of "Nu är det jul igen" by the US group Revels, and a version of "A szelekenek" by a women's group he used to run Vox Mondiale.

Here is the link to December's recordings.

Have a great Christmas!