Tuesday, 20 February 2018

February 2018

Not quite as many as last month, but we mustered nearly 30 singers, a good number of whom were new. We could still do with some more MEN though!!

Here is the link to February's recordings: a warm up song for Valentine's Day, a song in Swahili, some storming gospel and a little something from West Africa (this last one I didn't record, so I've added an old recording from when we did Ma belle sinkwanee back in 2015).

In the Description section for each MP3 you'll find song information, lyrics and a translation.

For your delight and delectation here is the Nashville Bluegrass Band singing Goodnight the Lord is coming.


Hope to see you next month on Saturday 17 March - same time, same place - when we hope that spring will have truly sprung!

Click here to find all the dates for 2018