Chris says 'I didn't record Ladum iZulu, but I have put an authentic African version up so people can see how it should be sung! I thought everyone was on cracking form - learnt the songs quickly and sounded really, really good.'
We had some great feedback from the pub garden audience. Someone said 'it sounded really professional, a bit like Gracelands - Paul Simon, I'd like to hear you sing again.' Wow, not bad for a couple of hours learning songs from scratch!!
Don't miss the free workshop at the Midsummer Fete in Wiv on 21st June - a great chance for friends to try it out. Chris will run a 50 minute session starting at 2.30pm.
We're back at the Scout Hall on September 13th with Clive Barker and Chris is with us again from October.
Happy summer time \o/