Monday, 16 December 2019

December 2019

It was one of those bitterly cold December days, but with wonderful sunshine in the afternoon. That didn't stop a keen bunch of singers turning up though! Some who hadn't been for ages, some regulars and some new faces.

Here is the link to December's recordings.

We started with a Jewish seasonal song for Hannukah, Sevivon. Sevivon is the Hebrew word for dreydl, a spinning top. Many cultures have a gambling game based on the spinning of a four- or six-sided dreydl (Yiddish for spinning top). There is a strong association between dreydls and Hannukah, hence many songs about spinning tops.

Next up was a beautiful 15th Century carol from France, Noël nouvelet. You might recognise the tune as there is also a version with English lyrics: Sing we now of Christmas. It's usually sung quite fast with maybe drum accompaniment, but it's such a lovely melody that we did it slowly.

You can hear a beautiful version of Noël nouvelet by the Irish group Anuna on YouTube.

Finally, a rousing Alilo from the Republic of Georgia. Alilo is the name of songs that are sung on the orthodox Christmas Eve (around 6th January). There are hundreds of them, but they all have similar lyrics which tell of the birth of Jesus.

We start off 2020 on 18th January and every third Saturday thereafter (except April because of Easter). Why not put the dates in your shiny new diary? You can also find them on our Workshops Dates page.

Have a great Christmas and a prosperous and happy New Year!

Chris is off to Mexico for a month in January, but leaves you in the very capable hands of Tracy Sharp and Jenny Fisk of Music in our Bones for the January session. You'll have great fun!

Chris will be announcing his residential singing weekends and other workshops from July to December 2020 in his mid-February newsletter. If you're interested in staying ahead of the curve and getting the info first, why not sign up to his mailing list?